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The Tragic Death of 19-Month-Old Enora Lavenir: A Wake-Up Call for Homeowners and Renters Alike.

The recent death of 19-month-old Enora Lavenir has shocked the nation and left her family devastated. Enora died after being exposed to the deadly synthetic opioid, fentanyl, at an Airbnb property in Florida. The family is now suing Airbnb, the rental property’s owner, the property manager, and a prior guest over the child’s death, alleging negligence and failure to ensure the property was safe.

The rise of synthetic opioids, including fentanyl, has become a major public health crisis, with over 56,000 people dying from overdoses in 2020 alone. The case of Enora Lavenir serves as a reminder of the dangers that can lurk in our homes and rental properties.
As homeowners and renters, it’s crucial to be vigilant about the safety and cleanliness of our living spaces. The residue of drugs, including fentanyl, can linger long after the party has ended, putting innocent lives at risk.

At Confidential Canine Services / Team K9, we understand the importance of keeping our clients and their guests safe. That’s why we offer our clients a second layer of protection using our Narcotic detection dogs. Our highly trained K9s can detect the presence of harmful substances, including fentanyl, in your home or rental property.

Don’t take any chances with the safety of your loved ones. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and learn more about our K9 Detection services. [email protected]
